To use a Painted Bar Stables there is an expectation that you not only will be a regular rider at our stables able to demonstrate riding skills required for such a trek, but regularly ride the specific horse (and a back up horse) on a regular basis in order to make sure that you are familiar with that horse.
The reason we require this is that we don’t want to get far from home and have people (or horses) be frustrated or over their heads with a new relationship. Additionally, just because you can ride doesn’t mean you know your horse. Knowing what’s normal helps to prevent veterinary injury, metabolic issues, reduce drama riding in group settings, and increase confidence and safety when dealing with the expected and unexpected.
Right now our policy is that people need to practice on the horse they are taking for a minimum of 4 weeks in lessons before the trip. Lessons will include a mix of riding on trail and in the arena.
Additionally, anyone riding a Painted Bar Stables horse must participate in at least one group 2 Hour Ride or Distance Riding Coaching Session with their horse to learn how their horse behaves and understand herd dynamic expectations for the trip.
Leasing Memberships
A free leasing membership for one month for use on the 1º and 2º horse is included in the price for the trip. This program allows riders to ride independently on their own both in the arena and on trails as approved by staff. However, to be able to take advantage of membership rides students must have taken a private lesson to get this approval to join the program.
You are expected to know what is normal for your horse in order to help to prevent veterinary injury, metabolic issues, reduce drama riding in group settings, and increase confidence and safety when dealing with the expected and unexpected.
All riders are expected to have the following skills:
Expectations during the trip:
All riders are expected to have a basic level of independence for self care and horse care.
To use a Painted Bar Stables horse in a competitive Endurance event it will be assumed that the rider not only knows their horse and is capable of riding the distance but that they also understand the rules, logistics and protocols of participating in an Endurance Race. Additional they will be expected to understand basic health issues, especially those that can be exacerbated while riding in an endurance race. As a result, we require:
As the owner of Painted Bar Stables, the premier public riding facility in the N.Y. Finger Lakes Region, Erika hosts over 5,000 trail riders and lesson students per year on her herd of 30+ horses. An avid horsewoman and traveler, Erika has spent the past decade combining those passions and repackaging them into adventurers for all levels. From walk only trail rides to EquiTreks through the Finger Lakes National Forest to endurance races with seasoned riders across the Biltmore Estate, her goal is to craft personal experiences and memories for the riders sharing her love of the trails and the adventures to be found out there Erika has received numerous honors for her work, including the Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2014 by the U.S. Small Business Administration for the Syracuse N.Y. District. Erika is the organizer of the annual Schuyler Equine Conference and serves on the marketing advisory board for the Finger Lakes Tourism Association as well as the Schuyler County Cornell Cooperative Extension Pro-Ed Committee.